How to Remove Queues Email Zimbra from CLI

How to Remove Queues Email Zimbra from CLI ( Command Line Interface ) - Tutorial on how to easily delete Zimbra Email Spam queues that are indicated via CLI. Queue email with a large number is one of the issues on the mail server, this queue can be caused by emails that are stuck on MTA servers, among the causes of retained email is over quota, mistyped email addresses, our outgoing IP is blacklisted by the recipient server.  

In addition, the cause of the large number of blocked emails is that there are users who send a large number of emails or send spam emails. For this reason it is necessary to delete the email queues in Zimbra that are indicated as spam, as will ScienceZimbra explain in this article "Tutorial Zimbra Erase Queue Spam".

Okay let's see we can do, Tutorial on how to Delete the Quera Email Spam Indicated Spam from CLI:

1. First, open your Command Line Interface, To check the email queue the type command : 
 root@mailblogtembem:/home/admmail# /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmqstat
result is ... :
2. Second, To find out which user is doing an indication of spam, we can do by entering the following command. but first we have to log in as a email zimbra user that is with the command :
root@mailblogtembem:/home/admmail# su - zimbra
and then we enter the following command to see the details of all e-mails being processed :
zimbra@blogtembem:~$ mailq 
3. To see log being process
zimbra@blogtembem:~$ tail -f /var/log/zimbra.log
4. After knowing the user is indicated as spam, enter the following command using zimbra user to clear the email queue :

root@mailblogtembem:/home/admmail# /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postqueue -p | egrep -v '^ *\(|-Queue ID-' | awk 'BEGIN { RS = "" } { if ($7 == "") print $1} ' | tr -d '*!' | /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postsuper -d -
Okay easy right, this How to Remove Queues Email Zimbra from CLI ( Command Line Interface ) thanks for visiting and see u next read guys.... ^_^

source: masterganteng@ldp

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